Basic League Principles
The guiding principle is to have fun. This league stresses good sportsmanship, camaraderie and recreation. Players are expected to conduct themselves in a manner conducive with this philosophy and any disputes should be handled amicably at the ball park between team captains. Alcohol, other intoxicants and smoking are strictly prohibited at City parks.
Player Misconduct - Unacceptable Behaviour
Excessive swearing, fighting, intoxication, unruly or confrontational behavior is prohibited. Players may be ejected from the game by the team captains for exhibiting these behaviors.
All cases of player misconduct will be brought before the league governing body for further assessment.
Rules of Play
*Mercy Rule is 6 Runs* - if the team is losing by more than 6, they can tie the game plus 1 run
Any ball that is hit at the net is a deadball - only 3 dead balls are allowed after that it is consider 1 of the pitches.
Any Player, who throws the bat in any manner will be called out.
Any player who slides into any base, steals, leads off prior to contact, bunts or touches home plate will be called out.
Any Player, who intentionally interferes with a player on the opposing team, while a play is in progress, will be called out. When in the act of fielding a ball the fielder has the right of way to the ball. When running the basepaths away from a direct fielding attempt, the runner has the right of way.
Fielders stay behind the basepaths until the ball is contacted by the hitter
Any runner who crosses the Chicken Line must proceed to Home Plate. Any runner, who attempts to return to Third Base after having crossed the chicken line, will be called out.
All foul balls are counted as strikes, including the third pitch.
Tagging up is not allowed however a runner can be called out if they do not return to a base after a flyball is caught and the ball beats them back
Players over-running First Base who do not intend to proceed to Second Base immediately must turn away from the field of play (to the right). Players failing to do this are considered to be "In Play" and may be tagged out.
Runners must touch the orange bag otherwise they will be called out. If a runner is considering an advance to second base they can use the white bag. This includes the situation where the runner may decide to come back to first.
The first baseman must touch the white bag when fielding a play at first base in order to record an out. If the first baseman only makes contact with the orange bag, the runner will be ruled safe.
A Runner must cross the Safe Line at Home Plate prior to the Catcher having the ball, in order to be considered Safe.
Substitute runners must be the last player called out of the same gender
The Catcher can record an out by catching a pop fly in foul territory as long as it has gone above ten feet, anything caught in fair territory will be recorded as an out.
In order for the Catcher to make an Out at Home Plate, they must be in contact with Home Plate, with any portion of their anatomy, while the ball is in their possession.
The fielding team must return the ball to a player on the infield who will relay to the pitcher. (For greater clarity, outfielders may not throw directly to the pitcher).
Outfielders may not throw to first base to attempt an out.
(NEW) The far outfield players must throw the ball to a cutoff person to relay the ball to the infield. They are not to throw the ball home. A throw to home plate must be made by a player that is on the infield = feet on the dirt.
A Game consists of 9 complete innings.
In the event of inclement weather a game will be considered complete if 5 innings have been completed.
The bottom of the final inning need only be played, if the Home Team is trailing. If the Home Team is in the lead, the final inning is considered to be completed when the Visiting Team has finished batting.
Any disputes among players are to be settled by the respective captains and that decision is considered to be final and the game must resume.
Any field hazards (i.e.: trees, bushes or hills) are playable at the discretion of both captains. The decision on how these will impact the play must be discussed before the game starts.
Diamond Layout
The distance between the bases shall be 55 feet. If the diamond is square, the diagonals across the diamond (first to third, second to home) should be 77 feet 9 inches
The "chicken line" (or commitment line) is a line drawn perpendicular to the third base line approximately 30 feet from home plate
The "Safe Line" is an extension of the first base line, running from home plate to the edge of the backstop
The "Dead Ball Line" is an arc drawn at a distance of 35 feet from home plate, running from the first base line to the third base line
Bases must be secured to the infield by pegs attached to the bag by a strap
Players must wear shoes on the field at all times. Open toed shoes or bare feet are not allowed. Rubber cleats approved for use in softball are permitted. Steel spikes are not allowed
All fielders must have a catching glove
Only bats with softball certified stamps on it may be used.
All bats used within the game have to be shared between teams.
Bat handles must have taped or rubber grips
Team Composition
There is no designation as to where males and females have to play on the field however the following points need to be maintained:
The Maximum number of players on the field shall be 10; composed of 5 infielders, 3 outfielders, and 2 rovers. Rovers may not encroach upon the infield unless the captains allow for it.
The minimum number of players on the field shall be 8
The maximum number of males on the field shall be 6
A team may loan players to the opposing team or allow an alternative male-female fielding composition, at the captains' discretion, in order to play the game
All players shall bat in order, whether or not they play the field.
An effort must be made to ensure that the most balanced male-female batting order is achieved.
Do your best to limit your lineup to three males in a row.
The Catcher will call all Fair and Foul balls
The First Base Coach will make all calls at First Base and Home Plate
The Third Base Coach will make all calls at Second Base and Third Base
Persons responsible for umpiring should be familiar with the rules. For example, Catchers should be familiar with the rules of fair and foul balls
To your own team
Each batter will receive only 3 pitches, regardless of the quality unless the ball hits the net (3 max)
If a batted ball strikes the pitcher, the batter will be called out and the play ruled dead. If there is some doubt as to whether the ball struck the pitcher, the First Base Coach will make the call
Most importantly we are here to HAVE FUN!!